We will be your Norwegian contact person and support through start-up and operation.
All contact regarding requirements and changes can be made with us in Norwegian.
You shape and control your employees for day-to-day operations.
Basic English is all you need to get started.
We can also interpret in Norwegian / English / Filipino if necessary.
We will provide one (1) month of dedicated training in the Philippines.
Our training starts with basic education in Norwegian culture, society and work ethics.
It also includes the Norwegian accounting industry's seasonal peaks, VAT periods, reports, reporting deadlines, etc.
We convey information about the company's history, organisation, customer groups and workflow, which programs are in use and what is expected of the employees.
We will then train and guide the employees on how programs and the workflow work, give them access to language tools and where to find information about accounting and tax rules.
After the theoretical training, the participants must take part in the accounting, which must be checked by you before updating.
Gradually, the volume, responsibility and tasks will increase, as is done for Norwegian new employees.
Det vil bli en 2 måneds daglig oppfølgingstøtte der kommunikasjonen med ansatte på Filippinene gradvis blir overført fra Back Office AS administrasjon til ansvarlig på ditt kontor.
Etter to måneder vil kommunikasjonen foregå mer direkte mellom Back Office AS's outsourcede regnskapsførere og norske kolleger, men vi vil alltid være tilgjengelige ved behov.
"Back Office AS does a thorough job of finding the right people for the right task. Incredibly great group to work with!”
Torstein Gustavsen, CEO Tixio Technologies AS
We will contact you shortly, without obligation.