Together, our friendly team is proud to share our core values of caring for our customers, our community and our team.
Our goal is to offer a service that is affordable and professional, based on continuous professional development and strong customer relationships.
Guided by our core values, we aim to provide financial growth to our customers and a positive change in the industry as a whole.
Competence and care
Customer confidentiality
Back Office AS hjelper små og mellomstore bedrifter til å øke effektiviteten og forbedre lønnsomheten. Vårt mål er å hjelpe deg med å finne høyt utdannede og dyktige medarbeidere i et lavkostland – noe som bare store bedrifter har hatt tilgang til tidligere. Vi er med deg hele veien i prosessen.
Tim F. Nilsen
General manager, Back Office AS
Hvis du ønsker å jobbe med et team av individer som virkelig bryr seg om ditt økonomiske resultat. da har du kommet til rett sted! Back Office AS Accounting Team er forpliktet til å gi deg den beste kundeservice.
Each candidate is carefully selected through extensive tests, multi-level interviews with strict minimum qualifications.
In addition to accounting knowledge, all Back Office employees have technological competence, multilingual skills and cultural flexibility for a smooth transition to a Norwegian working environment.
Hannah Ruth Gemina
Administrative manager, Back Office
All applicants go through several stages of interview and testing to select the most suitable candidates for training.
We set high minimum requirements for English language proficiency, computer skills, educational level and IQ level.
In addition, applicants also complete Personality and Temperament testing, so that we can find the perfect candidate who fits into the customer's environment.
Candidates are also tested for the ability to take the initiative to learn and work independently, with as little supervision as possible – an indispensable trait in any employee.
Here at Back Office AS, we take your needs seriously. Talk to us.
What sets a Back Office Accountant apart from your average employee is their competence, willingness and ability to adapt to the customer's specific needs.
They have excellent English language skills and with the use of tools, and later experience, they can prepare written requests, reports etc. in Norwegian.
Our employees are experienced with the latest software technologies, and can easily adapt and contribute to the implementation of necessary changes to office routines.
The learning curve for our Accountants rises quickly, even with minimal effort from their Norwegian colleagues. Thanks to a good working environment, management, knowledge base and the selection of candidates.
Find your company's hidden potential with a Back Office Accountant.
Contact Us.
The hallmark of being Filipino, Back Office AS Regnskapsfører is a hard-working employee who also maintains a positive attitude in the face of difficulties.
These qualities ensure that your tasks are delivered efficiently and without compromise in execution or quality.
Our staff enjoy regular team building activities designed to encourage and motivate. All done during your off season.
When you hire a Back Office AS Accountant, your company will have almost 24-hour operations and earn while you sleep!
Interested? Send us an email.
"Back Office AS does a thorough job of finding the right people for the right task. Incredibly great group to work with!”
Torstein Gustavsen, CEO Tixio Technologies AS
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