Your offshoring solution

I.T. personell for any company

Connecting business with technology has never been easier. Back Office offers IT personnel that help customers work smarter, faster and better, with the goal of making life easier.

With our solutions, you can be sure that your company will reap the benefits of good infrastructure and access to qualified labour.

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Our IT professionals have a range of skills and experience, so we can offer solutions in most areas. Some of the subject areas are mentioned below.

WordPress Developer

Full Stack Developer

.Net Developer

Software Developer

Web Designer

Graphic Designer

Video Editor

Network Admin

IT Support

QA Testing

We recommend our customers engage us to cover their IT needs and secure the best employee for the position.

Møt teamet vårt

Vi er et team av eksperter på å tilby offshore IT-tjenester til kunder over hele verden. Teamet vårt består av svært erfarne fagfolk som har jobbet med kunder fra forskjellige bransjer. Vår misjon er å gi de beste kandidatene for våre kunder ved å forstå deres forretningsbehov og levere tilpassede løsninger som hjelper dem å nå sine mål.

Sample IT 1

WordPress Developer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed odio ligula, iaculis vel nibh lacinia, venenatis pellentesque nulla. Maecenas feugiat fringilla urna out finibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus gravida rutrum turpis, et vulputate neque cursus quis. Morbi molestie quam lorem, et sagittis sapien pharetra sit amet.


Sample IT 2

Network Admin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed odio ligula, iaculis vel nibh lacinia, venenatis pellentesque nulla. Maecenas feugiat fringilla urna out finibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus gravida rutrum turpis, et vulputate neque cursus quis. Morbi molestie quam lorem, et sagittis sapien pharetra sit amet.


Sample IT 3

QA Analyst

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed odio ligula, iaculis vel nibh lacinia, venenatis pellentesque nulla. Maecenas feugiat fringilla urna out finibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus gravida rutrum turpis, et vulputate neque cursus quis. Morbi molestie quam lorem, et sagittis sapien pharetra sit amet.

Information Technology

The IT industry in the Philippines is full of opportunities for great talent and knowledge. We utilize infrastructure, technology and knowledge to meet your needs.

Uansett hva virksomheten din trenger, kan vi hjelpe deg med å navigere i IT-verdenen. Fra strategisk innkjøp og utvikling av ferdigheter til implementeringer, vi har ekspertisen du trenger for å utvide bedriften din.

Web development

Filipino is one of the most efficient and innovative in terms of development. They are quick to adapt to changes and able to solve problems with smart technology that meets global demands.

We are here to help you search for the best talent and develop your idea into something that can be implemented and will have a big impact on your business.


Identity, that's the most important thing we all strive for in the graphic design world. Art and design is a way of life. We want our customers' vision to meet what they want and need to lift their business to the next level. We ensure that all candidates are competitive, resourceful and knowledgeable within your expectations.

We are experts in sourcing products and services from the Philippines with great talent, knowledge and creativity.

Our customers say


Super cooperation!
Back Office does a thorough job of finding the right people for the right task. Incredibly great group to work with!

image (22)
Torstein Gustavsen, CEO Tixio Technologies AS

"A pleasure to work with clever and organized people. Backoffice makes it easier for us to grow"

image (23)
Marianne Hodne, Managing Director

Why the Philippines?

Offshoring started in the Philippines in the 90s and has since grown. This is no mystery, as most of the population is highly proficient in English. The local culture also helps create a positive environment that compliments the 24-hour operation of BPOs.

This is how offshoring works with Back Office

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Vi tar oss av hele prosessen, fra å velge de beste kandidatene til onboarding, slik at du kan fokusere på det som betyr mest.

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